12 Things To Expect From SEO in 2019

Things To Expect From SEO in 2019

SEO is an ever-changing dynamic that must be looked at on a regular basis. The rules that applied in 2018 could be thrown out the window in 2019. One thing that is certain is that SEO in 2019 will be far different than anything we have seen in the past years. This is all due to the fact that SEO changes on a regular basis and there is hardly ever a trend that will repeat itself. As our technology changes so do the way we will do search engine optimization in 2019. So, what are a few of the 12 things to expect from SEO in the upcoming year? You may be surprised to see what some of these trends are and others should come as a natural evolution that many of us expected to happen. Without any further build up, let us take look into the future and see what 2019 has in store for us.

Our Keyword Searches Will be Affected by AI

These days AI is taking part in all our lives. We rely more and more on this technology, so it is a common-sense thing that this will be true as well for our keyword searches as well. We are going to head into a period where we are doing voice searches more than we are typing searches. This, in turn, will mean that the process that these searches is carried out will change as well. This will mean that those who specialize in SEO will have to adjust to this new trend and will have to cater more to the Ai crowd and less to those that still will do their searches the old-fashioned way of sitting down and typing their search terms out.

Impressions will be lost Due to Amazon Searches and Voice Searches

The fact that more and more people will be using Amazon to do their searches as opposed to using Google. This along with the use of voice search will have a big impact on the search term industry and as such there will be a shift in the way that people do their searches as well as a massive shift in the way that SEO specialist will cater their searches. This is a huge trend that will have a massive impact on the search engine world and lead to a change in the school of thought of how people search and how those that work in SEO cater their search terms.

Search Intent and Code Optimization will Have a Bigger Impact

In 2019 it will be less on what is searched and more on what was meant behind the search. If you are doing a search on how to surf, then there will be an emphasis on the other aspects such as how to buy a surfboard, how to maintain your surfboard and what brands are hot and which ones are losing interest. This will change the SEO game and can lead to some massive shifts in the way that people search their Internet and how to get the results that they are aiming for. This will also mean that those that are in SEO will have to step up their game and increase their results.

VR and AR will become their own section in Organic Searches

The worlds of VR and AR are up and coming and have a lot of promise that they offer. Too many times in the past these technologies have been dismissed and now we are entering an age to where these are not only being embraced, they are becoming more and more the direction that the future is heading. This will also mean that they will be assigned their own section in the organic search results and blockchain will have an impact on this industry as well. Many companies are going to start making this mandatory which will mean that owners of websites will have to make sure that their websites are kept up to help and keep them relevant in the search engine world.

2019 The Year of Voice Search

We all thought that 2018 was going to be the year of voice searches. That did not happen and instead, this looks that in 2019, there will be an emphasis on the voice search world. In fact, depending on who you talk to, at least 50% of the searches that will be conducted online will be done via voice search. This means that this will lead to developers and site owners will need to change their methods for searching and steer things more in the direction of being able to meet the voice search demand that will be coming. This can be seen as it is estimated that around 40% of people are already using voice search at least once during their day. This will continue to grow as more and more AI become smarter and more able to handle voice searches with better proficiency. This growing trend will lead to a lot more precise searches and will eliminate a lot of the stale search results that wind up getting dumped in with traditional search methods.

Visual Search Will Influence more Search Results

There was a time when you mentioned the term visual search and people thought you were insane, now on the verge of 2019, this is turning into a more realistic option for those that are seeing this as the next evolution in the field of searching. This has been on the verge of becoming a trend and with the evolving trends in the way of search engine optimization in 2019 and SEO in 2019 will change in a big way. This change will lead to some huge advancements in the way that we search and how those that work in SEO will need to operate.

Mobile Searches will Continue to Rule

The importance of mobile searches will be more obvious as 2019 emerges. It was a given that 2018 was going to see an uptick in the number of mobile searches that were done. As the year progressed this number of mobile searches has greatly increased to a point that 2019 will be the year that mobile searches will take the forefront and more experts will need to adjust their strategy to accommodate the huge number of mobile searches that will be conducted on a regular basis. The more mobile searches that are done, the better things will be in regard to delivering the level of results that you had aimed for.

There will be an increase in the Importance of the User Experience

In years past no one really cared what the user experience was, it was simply a matter of getting keywords out there and the user searching for them. This began to change as early as 2017 and in 2019 this will be a very large part of the whole dynamic of the search process. The experience that a user has while doing their searches will play a vital role in how well their overall experience is and how likely they will be to use that search engine again. Developers will take more time to make sure that their users are getting a quality experience when they go to search.

Social Media will Play a Much Bigger Role in Searches

In the past the importance of social media was not nearly what it will be in 2019, more and more social media will creep into the SEO world and this will soon have much bigger importance placed upon it. Google will be looking more at social channels and less on their site pages in an effort to index. When people search for something Twitter, they will get a wider range of results and this will be seen as an ever-growing trend in the coming months.

Optimization of Other Platforms

No matter what the past has presented to us, the year of SEO in 2019 will be different as there will need to be optimization on other platforms. This trend will lead to more and more SEO having to be done on these platforms and as such this will give a lot of people a better range of results when they search surfboards. These platforms will need to fall in line with what the trends for 2019 are and those that work in SEO will need to make sure that they adjust their focus to reflect this growing trend.

Location Searching Will Increase

2019 will be the year of location searching. This has been a growing trend and in 2019 it will grow in a big way. Too many people are not focusing on this when they are doing their SEO and as such, they will not be on the wave that is going to usher in the new year. 2019 looks to be a year where more people are going to focus a lot of their searching based on their location or a specific location that they have in mind.

SERP Will Shrink

2019 will be a year that we see a shrinking in SERP and that means that changes will need to be made in a big way. If these people fail to make this change, then they will find themselves in a situation where their site will be useless and will not serve a real purpose. This is why changing with the times will be such a vital thing that you have to make sure that you do on a regular occurrence. Those that fail to adapt and change will be at risk of being left behind and failing in the process.

Word Vector

It will not be what you say or type but instead how you say or type something that will make all the difference. As our voice patterns are more and more recognized by voice search, it will matter what the inflection of a word is in how well it will be searched for. This will be the prime example of not what you say but how you go about saying it that will matter. This will need to be considered when it relates to 2019 and searches.

In 2019 SEO Experts Will have to Think Like Their Audience

There will be a lot of experts that will have to think like a person that is searching on their own. This will be a little harder than what they are expected to encounter in 2019. This will lead to there being a more well-defined level of searching that experts have not seen in the past. The more catered that they have their terms, then the better that those searching will be able to get the results that they are looking for.

SEO will see a slight Decline in Favor Of SEM

SEM will slowly be taking the new position when it comes to searching on a regular basis. those in the SEO industry will have to make this minor change to see for themselves the trend that is slowly giving way to SEM. This will mean that new approaches will have to be adapted and new schools of thought will have to come from those in SEO. This is one of the biggest things that you must address when you are in the SEO business is that the more things change the more that you will have to adapt to that change as well.

All of these 12 things to expect from SEO are things that every person that does SEO needs to be aware of. While not all these trends will occur, it is always best to be prepared for the changes in case they do happen. Taking this into account will lead a lot of people to change the way that they approach SEO in the future. This will lend itself to being more user-friendly and help those that are new to SEO adapt and get comfortable with the subject. This is what so many people will be looking towards as the new year ticks closer.