10 Best and 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email

10 Best and 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email

Emails are still a cornerstone of business communication, particularly for small business owners looking to make a lasting impression. Whether it’s reaching out to potential clients, communicating with existing customers, or liaising with partners, the way you close your email can significantly impact the recipient’s perception of you and your business. However, striking the perfect balance between professional and personal, formal and friendly, can be tricky. This guide delves into the 10 best and 10 worst ways to close an email, providing you with insights to ensure your sign-offs enhance, rather than detract from, your message.

The importance of a well-crafted email closing extends beyond mere etiquette; it’s about leaving a lasting impression that could make or break a business relationship. As a small business owner, your email sign-off is not just a goodbye; it’s an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s personality, encourage further engagement, and even set the tone for future correspondence. With that in mind, let’s explore how to end your emails in a way that resonates with your recipients and reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.

Importance of Email Closings

Why does the way you end an email matter? For starters, it’s often the last thing a recipient reads, making it a critical component of your message’s overall impact. A well-chosen closing can leave the recipient feeling valued and respected, prompting a positive response or action. Conversely, a poorly considered sign-off can seem impersonal, abrupt, or even disrespectful, potentially undermining the relationship you’ve worked hard to build.

Email closings are more than just a formality; they’re a tool for effective business communication. They can express gratitude, show respect, invoke professionalism, or foster a sense of closeness. Depending on the context of your email and your relationship with the recipient, the closing you choose can subtly influence how your message is perceived and received. Whether you’re sending a proposal, a thank-you note, a reminder, or a casual update, the right sign-off can ensure your email achieves its intended effect.

Now that we’ve established the significance of email endings let’s dive into the dos and don’ts of email sign-offs, starting with the best ways to close your business emails.

10 Best and 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email - The 10 Best Ways to Close an Email

The 10 Best Ways to Close an Email

  1. Best Regards: A classic and safe choice, “Best Regards” is universally acceptable for almost any type of business email. It strikes a balance between formality and warmth, making it suitable for first-time communication as well as ongoing conversations.
  2. Thank You: This sign-off shows appreciation and is particularly effective when you’re expressing gratitude. It’s versatile, fitting a variety of contexts, and reinforces a positive relationship with your recipient.
  3. Looking Forward to Hearing from You: Ideal for emails where a response is anticipated, this closing encourages a reply without coming off as pushy. It’s forward-looking and positive, setting the stage for future interaction.
  4. Respectfully: For emails that require a tone of high formality, especially when addressing someone in a higher position or in more formal industries, “Respectfully” conveys a deep sense of reverence and professionalism.
  5. With Appreciation: Similar to “Thank You,” this sign-off expresses gratitude but with a slightly more formal tone. It’s perfect for when you want to acknowledge the recipient’s effort or time.
  6. Warmly: This is a friendly yet professional way to end an email, particularly well-suited for someone you have an established relationship with. It conveys warmth and closeness without sacrificing professionalism.
  7. Sincerely: A traditional sign-off that works well for first-time communication or more formal emails. It’s straightforward, conveying honesty and genuine sentiment.
  8. Cheers: Best reserved for recipients you have a casual relationship with, “Cheers” is light-hearted and conveys friendliness. However, it’s important to use it only when such a tone is appropriate for the relationship and context.
  9. Hope This Helps: If your email aims to provide assistance or answer questions, closing with “Hope This Helps” is a thoughtful way to end. It shows your intention to be helpful and supportive.
  10. Talk Soon: For ongoing conversations or when you expect to communicate with the recipient again soon, “Talk Soon” adds a personal touch and implies that you’re looking forward to your next interaction.

Each of these sign-offs can be tailored to suit the tone and purpose of your email, enhancing your message and leaving a positive impression on the recipient. Now, let’s turn our attention to the closures you might want to avoid.

In ensuring your emails stand the test of time and maintain professionalism, consider embedding best practices within your email strategy. For further insights into refining your approach, visit Innovative Flare’s guide on email marketing best practices and successful email marketing strategies for 2024.

10 Best and 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email - The 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email

The 10 Worst Ways to Close an Email

While the right sign-off can enhance your message, the wrong one can detract from it or even damage your professional relationships. Here are ten sign-offs to avoid in your business emails:

  1. Sent from My iPhone: While common, this automatic signature can seem impersonal and suggests that you might not have taken the time to personalize your message. It’s better to replace this with a more thoughtful closing.
  2. XOXO: Far too casual and intimate for business correspondence, this sign-off should be reserved for close friends and family, not clients or colleagues.
  3. Thx or Rgds: Abbreviations can come across as lazy or unprofessional. It’s always best to spell out your gratitude or regards in full to convey respect.
  4. No Sign-Off: Failing to close your email at all can seem abrupt and rude. It’s important to include a sign-off to provide a clear end to your message and to show courtesy.
  5. Yours Faithfully: This is often misused and considered overly formal, especially in emails where there is already an established relationship. It might create unnecessary distance.
  6. Best Wishes: While not inherently bad, this closing can feel vague or impersonal in certain business contexts. It lacks the specificity or warmth of better alternatives.
  7. Ciao: This informal sign-off can be perceived as too casual or culturally inappropriate, depending on the context of your email and the relationship with the recipient.
  8. [Your Name]: Simply signing off with your name without a closing remark can seem cold and detached. Adding a polite sign-off can warm up your message.
  9. See Ya: This is much too informal for most professional emails. It’s best used with colleagues you have a very close and casual relationship with, if at all.
  10. Love: Inappropriate for professional settings, “Love” is best reserved for personal emails. Using it in a business email can confuse or discomfort the recipient.

Choosing an inappropriate sign-off can inadvertently send the wrong message, making it crucial to select one that matches the tone and purpose of your communication. For emails that aim to establish or maintain professional relationships, sticking to more traditional and universally accepted closings can help ensure your message is received as intended.

When crafting your business emails, integrating them into an overarching email marketing and communication strategy is crucial. Seeking out professional email marketing services can provide small business owners with a treasure trove of insights and bespoke strategies. These services offer a range of tips and tactics to refine your entire email communication process, ensuring every element of your emails, from the initial greeting to the final sign-off, effectively engages your audience. By leveraging expert guidance, you can ensure that your emails not only reach but resonate with your target demographic, fostering stronger connections and driving your business goals forward.

Email Closing Tips

Crafting the perfect email sign-off involves more than just choosing the right phrase. Here are some tips to ensure your email closings enhance your communication and leave the desired impression on your recipients:

  • Match the Tone to the Content: The way you end your email should reflect its overall tone. A casual sign-off in a formal proposal might seem out of place, just as a highly formal closing in a friendly check-in can create an unnecessary distance. Ensure coherence between your message and your sign-off.
  • Consider Your Relationship with the Recipient: Your closeness with the email recipient should guide your choice of sign-off. While “Warm regards” may be perfect for a client you’ve known for years, “Sincerely” might be more appropriate for new or potential clients.
  • Use a Call to Action When Appropriate: If you’re expecting a reply or action, gently guide your recipient towards it. Phrases like “Looking forward to your feedback” can be both a polite sign-off and a nudge towards the next step.
  • Include Your Contact Information: In business emails, especially those to new contacts, including your phone number or a link to your LinkedIn profile can be helpful. It makes it easy for recipients to find out more about you or get in touch in other ways.
  • Personalize Your Closing: Whenever possible, personalize your email sign-off to reflect the content of your message or your relationship with the recipient. This could be as simple as including a thank you for their time or expressing excitement about a future meeting.
  • Keep It Professional and Positive: Regardless of the nature of your email, maintaining a professional and positive tone in your closing can leave a lasting good impression. Even in difficult or challenging conversations, a respectful sign-off can pave the way for constructive future interactions.

Incorporating these tips into your email communication strategy can help you navigate the nuances of email etiquette with ease. Remember, the goal is to make every part of your email, from the opening line to the closing signature, resonate with your recipient in a way that builds and maintains positive relationships.

For small business owners looking to leverage every aspect of their email communication, integrating these practices can make a significant difference. Not just in the way your emails are received, but in building your brand’s reputation for professionalism and courtesy. Contact us for more personalized advice on refining your email strategy to drive engagement and business growth.

FAQ Section: Ending Emails Like a Pro

In this section, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about email sign-offs, providing insights to refine your email closing etiquette further.

What is the best way to end a professional email? The best way to end a professional email is by using a sign-off that matches the tone of your message and your relationship with the recipient. “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” and “Thank you” are generally safe and appropriate choices for most professional emails.

Can I use ‘Cheers’ to end a business email? “Cheers” can be used in business emails, but it’s best reserved for recipients you have a casual or informal relationship with. It’s important to ensure the overall tone of your email aligns with this more laid-back sign-off.

How does the closing of an email affect its overall tone? The closing of an email can significantly influence its tone by adding a final touch of formality, warmth, or professionalism. It’s the last impression you leave with the recipient, so choosing a sign-off that aligns with your message’s intent is crucial.

Is it ever okay to leave an email without a sign-off? Generally, it’s not recommended to leave an email without a sign-off as it can appear abrupt or impolite. A sign-off helps to clearly end your message on a respectful note, regardless of the email’s content.

What are some personalized email sign-offs? Personalized email sign-offs take into consideration the content of your message or your relationship with the recipient. Examples include “Eagerly awaiting our next collaboration,” “With gratitude for your partnership,” or “Excited for what’s ahead!”

How do I end an email if I’m expecting a response? If you’re expecting a response, end your email with a sign-off that encourages a reply, such as “Looking forward to your thoughts,” “Please let me know your availability,” or “Awaiting your feedback.”

Are there any email closings that are universally accepted? Yes, some email closings are considered universally acceptable and safe for most professional contexts. These include “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” and “Thank you.”

How can I make my email closing more memorable? To make your email closing more memorable, consider personalizing it based on the content of your email or your relationship with the recipient. A thoughtful, relevant sign-off can leave a lasting impression.

What should I avoid in a casual email sign-off? In a casual email sign-off, avoid anything that could be construed as too informal or unprofessional in a business context, such as “XOXO,” “Later,” or “Hugs.”

How does the context of an email influence its closing? The context of your email—whether it’s a formal request, a casual update, or a thank-you note—influences the appropriateness of certain sign-offs. Aligning your closing with the email’s purpose and tone ensures your message is well-received.

By considering these questions and their answers, you can fine-tune your email sign-offs to suit various contexts, enhancing both your personal and professional email communication. Remember, the goal is to leave your recipient with a positive final impression, paving the way for successful future interactions.